Initial Prototype : September 2021

The idea of FLODIM Corrosion Evaluation Tool came after evidence that casing cuts percentage of success and necessary times were dependent on the quality of the information provided. Therefore, it proved more than interesting to assess the real state of the pipe in order to be aware of any evolution from initial standard conditions, such as ovoid shape, deposits, inner corrosion or any local damage.

Run on a standard electric logging cable, the main components and functions of the Corrosion Evaluation Tool are as follows :

  • Electromagnetic detector to determine the global surrounding steel masses and to deduct the average pipe thickness versus depth.
  • Inclinometer to make sure there is no specific pipe stress at the level of the cut, such as stress induced by fast changes in the verticality values versus depth.
  • 20 arms caliper module with two options (short distances from 3-1/2” to 12” – large distances from 6” to 20”) to evaluate any casing internal abnormality like deposits, corrosion or ovoid shape.
  • Telemetry in order to adapt communication / power supply on mono or multi-conductor lines up to 6000 meters.
  • Preliminary run to XS, XL & EZ cutter
  • Fast casing thickness evaluation
  • Fast casing inspection and report
  • Well decommissionning
  • Changing leaching phase with no/little Work-Over assistance
  • Any pipe evaluation from 3-1/2’’ to 20’’
  • Save time
  • Save money in many cases